*Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance under the rain.
We are not here to wait. We are made of solid rock; bones and skin. We can walk under the rain for a lifetime and still we would survive. We can't afford to wait because, there is no time to lose. Storms will come and go as our lives move and our clocks tick, nevertheless there is no reason why we should stand by while they try to wash away our lives. We have to keep on living underneath that vault of rain. We have to learn how to dance under the rain.

When I was just a child...I used to run, laugh, sing and even take a bath under the rain ^_^. There were just a few things I liked more than the rain (play nintendo was one of them) but I don't remember them very well. Now that I am an "adult" still love the rain, I watch carefully how the water comes down drop by drop, as it slides down the glass and spill the few trees left in the city, just thinking...where are my childhood friends? those who I used to be in the rain, are they watching this rain? they think about me when they want to be under the rain like I use to do. Why I just stay at home watching TV when I STILL WANT TO BE UNDER THE RAIN?
ReplyDeleteSorry por poner practicamente post cuando deberian ser comentarios pero es que me obligas, lo que escribes llega. Sorry tambien por algunas faltas gramaticales en mi anterior comentario, acabo de verlas (eso me pasa por no revisar), tambien suelo tener faltas ortograficas en español por todas esas molestosas tildes :@ pero poco a poco he ido corrigiendo eso (creo O.o).