Saturday, March 6, 2010

"Be, the change you want to see in the world"

It has not been once or twice that we have heard this quote; yet, how many times have we actually listened to it? How many times have we completely embraced its meaning and applied it to our lifestyle?

It is a real shame that something as dramatic and hurful as Haiti's earthquake had to happen so that the world could finally see how much we need to gather together as one to save the place we want our children to call home. How much we need to stand united, for we all have a common purpose and a common enemy. It is a real shame, some will say. But actually I see this as a blessing.

It is true that this kind of humanity that has grown in most of the inhabitants of Planet Earth would not have emerged if it was not for this awful tragedy; yet, as everything in life, this has a reason, and it is not just mere coincidence. I think it is a blessing that the world has taken this position towards the lost and suffering of a small piece of a simple tiny island as it is Haiti. And I think is even more beautiful and extraordinary that it is a place so underprivileged and exiled that is provoking the world to answer the wake up call that has been sent so many other times, but never answered before.

It is a blessing that so many countries have decided to put aside wars and differences to place as their number one priority to help another country, -whose suffering probably does not affect them in any way-, even if this means holding hands with those who they call enemies.

Now, how long will this last? How deep will its effect be in the future of our half-destroyed world?. The fact that we can not answer this question is a real shame.

The fact that we can not predict how long we will remain united to carry out this so called common purpose we all humans have, to physically protect our planet and spiritually make it a better place for our children to live in. And to fight against this so called common enemy, which is nothing but all the hate we have implanted and the chaos we have created in our natural habitat. This, my friends, is a real shame.

What do we do then?
We have to help. We have to serve. We have to remain as close as we can to each other, and contribute as much as we can to keep on going this big wave of charity. We have to give love to the world. And we have to pray.

Pray for our children's sake, and our own, that this effort we are making is enough.

Naturaleza Humana ♂•♀

"Siempre queremos lo que no tenemos"
"No sabemos lo que tenemos hasta que lo perdemos"

Es un hecho que estas son -quizás- las dos verdades más crueles del ser humano. Pero, Por qué?.

Por qué, aun teniendo la ventaja de saber con anticipación, permitimos que esto nos suceda?

No es justo apuntar hacia la débil y patética, pero muy común excusa de "somos humanos", porque aun cuando es la pura verdad, qué significa esto?, suena como si tuvieramos un título o un permiso especial para ser estúpidos sin tener que justificar nuestras acciones. Pero no es así.

Quizás podríamos decir que se debe al impulso natural que tenemos de acumular cosas y cosechar logros que a la larga no necesitamos; o a la naturaleza avariciosa del ser humano.

Quizás podemos atribuírselo a la seguridad y sentido de pertenencia que tenemos hacia lo que creemos que nos corresponde, o a la común dejadez de nosotros, mala costumbre de dejar todo para después, especialmente las cosas importantes.

Y aun así, no tenemos la respuesta al por qué? original. Y eso me lleva a pensar que quizás, no la necesitamos.

Quizás simplemente tenemos que dejar de acomodarnos en nuestras justificaciones sin sentido y en los estereotipos humanos, y simplemente cambiar el curso de estas "verdades".

Empezar a apreciar lo que tenemos en vez de desear lo que ni siquiera conocemos. Aprender a agradecer lo que nos ha regalado la vida y a aprovecharlo mientras lo tenemos, recordando siempre que un día se va a ir, para que luego no nos estemos lamentando no haberlo disfrutado al máximo.

Y continuar viviendo. Dejando el pasado en la memoria, el futuro a la incertidubre.

Tomando el control del presente, ahora.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Embrace ♥

Statement: what does not kill you, makes you stronger.

We can not avoid suffering. We can not help feeling sad, crying our souls out.
Why? because we care. Because for whatever reason it was, we were born with a small, and very powerful organ called heart. And it has the hability to feel and to be felt. It can not be avoided. But the fact is, that every pain we feel has its reason. Every ache we submerge in, brings something that force us out of it. It is called lesson. And it is our responsability to learn it.

I am now absolutely sure that if I had not gone through all the suffering I have had to feel in my short time alive, I would not be who and how I am today. I am, as for this moment, greatful; for I have no regrets on who I have grown to be and all I have done along the way, because it built me.

Life gives back everything it takes from you. Sometimes when you are brave enough to take whatever it is, it gives you back twice what you lost. Everytime you fell and you were sure you would not be able to stand back up, life forced you to emerge back to reality. So embrace it, the most breathtaking feeling. Appreciate what life is offering to you today, for tomorrow might be just a little bit too late. Feel every pain to its highest power, feel it in every bone of your body, in every cell of your existence. Tomorrow, the exact opposite feeling, twice its power will be taking your whole self, and that will be it for joy.

I'm embracing everything life has to offer right now; why aren't you?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Honestidad ☼

No siempre he pensado que es la mejor opción. No siempre ha sido prioridad en mi vida. Pero desde que lo es, todo es más fácil.

Sólo cuando nos volvemos víctimas de las blasfemias que un día -ni te acuerdas hace cuanto tiempo- comenzaron a controlar nuestra vida, sentimos el peso y la amargura de una vida vacía. La casi imposible "tarea" de entablar una conversación con alguien a quien llamamos amigo, pues ya salen como automáticamente y no tenemos potestad sobre ellas; y se te hace tan natural, que ya incluso para ti es difícil decifrar que emoción sientes, ya no sabes lo que quieres, ni tú te conoces y es aquí donde verdaderamete comienza ese vacío, que te persigue siempre y que sólo se puede traducir en una palabra; tan simple y hueca que el sólo pensar en ella te llena de lo único que sí puedes entender que sientes: miedo. Esa palabra que describe la triste vida de quien anda sin rumbo y el triste rumbo de quien anda sin vida: soledad.

Y aquí despiertas -para algunos es "demasiado tarde"-, y entiendes lo sencillo y fácil, sin mencionar beneficioso, que es ser honesto. puro y simple.
Nada duele demasiado, ni superarlo se prolonga más de lo que podamos aguantar. No te pesa nunca la conciencia y sorprendentemente, nada de lo que digan te molesta. Casi todos aprecian esta cualidad y repentinamente estás rodeado sólo de aquellos que de verdad se interesan en tí. Los hipócritas se alejan, y tu vida se llena de energía positiva~

Haces todo lo que quieres, dices todo lo que piensas, vives como sientes, eres transparente. Nadie duda y todos creen. Es casi imposible creer que la mejor manera de alcanzar la meta mayor, sea la más sencilla.

Vive aquí y ahora.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The sentence of the "What if's"

We are only humans. Allowed to make mistakes. Allowed to do wrongs. And also allowed to aknowledge our mistakes and amend them with apologies and promises assuring everyone we will never do it again, despite the fact that even we know we will. The problem with this vicious circle is simple: one day apologies will become excuses, and excuses will become intolerable. And that is how people turn appart. How loves end. How friendships break.
We live lives full with regret and pointless questions that always begin with a "what if". What if I had told him? What if I had done things differently? What if I had said it when I first felt it?What if, What if, What if.
Well I have a new one: What if we start doing what we want? what if, instead of keeping secrets, grieving and wondering we would just be honest and do whatever we feel we need to do?.
I will tell you what: we would fail more often, we would hurt more often; but also, we would move on faster, move on to things that are worth it, move on to what is waiting for us in this life. We have no extra time, this is it. Now, here, this is the moment to live. If we continue keeping to ourselves all we need to say, all we want to do, all the things we do not do because we are afraid, then it will never stop; and we will just continue sinking on our own shadows until the what if is no longer an option and all we have left is pain and grieving and of course loads of regret.
Life is here and now, and as far as I am concerned I am going to keep on living it through the day. I am going to say what I need to say, do what I want to do, and go where I want to go. And sometimes I will get hurt; sometimes I will grieve, sometimes doors will be shut in my face; but I will have no regret, for I will know my what if. I will know because the only reason we wonder what if is because we do not try. So I will try, always, over and over again. And that is the only way I will be sure that I did all I could, that if it did not happen, or I could not have it, was because it was not meant for me. Not because I never tried.

*Here is your option: you can either join me in this, the most accurate way of living I have ever found, or you can continue keeping to yourself everything you feel like letting out, and sinking deep into somewhere you may never come back from. choose wisely.

why: Dancing under the rain ✩ ?

*Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance under the rain.

We are not here to wait. We are made of solid rock; bones and skin. We can walk under the rain for a lifetime and still we would survive. We can't afford to wait because, there is no time to lose. Storms will come and go as our lives move and our clocks tick, nevertheless there is no reason why we should stand by while they try to wash away our lives. We have to keep on living underneath that vault of rain. We have to learn how to dance under the rain.