Monday, February 1, 2010

The sentence of the "What if's"

We are only humans. Allowed to make mistakes. Allowed to do wrongs. And also allowed to aknowledge our mistakes and amend them with apologies and promises assuring everyone we will never do it again, despite the fact that even we know we will. The problem with this vicious circle is simple: one day apologies will become excuses, and excuses will become intolerable. And that is how people turn appart. How loves end. How friendships break.
We live lives full with regret and pointless questions that always begin with a "what if". What if I had told him? What if I had done things differently? What if I had said it when I first felt it?What if, What if, What if.
Well I have a new one: What if we start doing what we want? what if, instead of keeping secrets, grieving and wondering we would just be honest and do whatever we feel we need to do?.
I will tell you what: we would fail more often, we would hurt more often; but also, we would move on faster, move on to things that are worth it, move on to what is waiting for us in this life. We have no extra time, this is it. Now, here, this is the moment to live. If we continue keeping to ourselves all we need to say, all we want to do, all the things we do not do because we are afraid, then it will never stop; and we will just continue sinking on our own shadows until the what if is no longer an option and all we have left is pain and grieving and of course loads of regret.
Life is here and now, and as far as I am concerned I am going to keep on living it through the day. I am going to say what I need to say, do what I want to do, and go where I want to go. And sometimes I will get hurt; sometimes I will grieve, sometimes doors will be shut in my face; but I will have no regret, for I will know my what if. I will know because the only reason we wonder what if is because we do not try. So I will try, always, over and over again. And that is the only way I will be sure that I did all I could, that if it did not happen, or I could not have it, was because it was not meant for me. Not because I never tried.

*Here is your option: you can either join me in this, the most accurate way of living I have ever found, or you can continue keeping to yourself everything you feel like letting out, and sinking deep into somewhere you may never come back from. choose wisely.

1 comment:

  1. What if I don't stop calling you "necia"?
    what if I invite you to a dinner?
    what if I join this way of living?
    what if i tell you that i like it?
    Yes, I do, I use to be that way but sometimes I just forget it, thanks for make me remember my way that just now, it's our way ^_^.
